Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Maxwell Mart Mullens

Max and Nathan This post was empty, with just his name, my Maxwell Mart Mullens. The Mart is there because Max wasn't quite smart. Max was an amazing dog. It's been three years now since he was buried. He lies in puppy flats. I had just had my 5th child, he was still a newborn, we packed up to head to my parents house. Along the way Max got worse, he was no longer walking but he just seemed to collapse. Sigh, I can still see his body, bony from what it had once been, his hind end unable to listen and do what he wanted it to, he only lifted his head, but would not eat the ice cream. I knew then Max was losing his life, and I didn't know how much longer he would continue. I didn't want to put him down, and perhaps I should of just kept him one last night at my folks, but so much was happening and he wouldn't drink. I needed to care for my son. I have one last photo of Max with my boy. He held on long enough to meet you. And then he was gone.