Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What is it about a book, a quilt that brings me back to Max. I find myself in tears remembering that quilt I made. Right before I was married the pastors wife from Kings Kids Learning Center offered a quilt making class. I took the class, I did not finish the quilt.

Oklahoma is where I got Max as a pup. We moved to Ft. Riley, Kansas and in Manhattan for the first month that I lived there a few doors down lived an old couple. I loved them the moment I met them. They washed old feather pillows and recycled them. They taught me all about my sewing machine....I still have that old machine. He told me not to get rid of it, it would last me a life time. He took the time to get me the operation manual. I finished that quilt...no it didn't look like the original plan. The quilt was now two quilts, one was a lap quilt and the other a small square about the size of a baby blanket but it became Max's quilt.

I had gotten my first furniture in Oklahoma, a Broyhill sofa and love seat. I would put this baby quilt on it and Max would lie on it. It became Max's quilt. My first year of marriage, as I picked out colors and did my decorating of that second small apartment in Oklahoma my colors remained the same. Then we moved to Manhattan, Kansas and the theme continued. We were only there a month but the quilt was finished in that little home that I loved. With the old fridge that we bought for $50 and I would have to defrost and get rid of a month later as we had gotten housing on base, I would have to repack again for the third time in or was it the forth in a year.

Perhaps my married life started with this quilt. Here it is twenty one years later and I still see that quilt float from child to child, the old dog is now buried at my folks. He lived sixteen and a half years but the earliest memories are of a puppy on that quilt. Missing you this morning my Max.

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